Aktieägarna i Panion Animal Health AB (publ), org.nr , kallas härmed till extra bolagsstämma tisdagen den 20 augusti 2019 kl. 09.00 i Medicon Village lokal Tellus, Scheelevägen 2, i Lund. Kallelse...
Panion’s board and directors held a board meeting on the 12.th of July 2019 to discuss the outcome of Combigene’s offer to the shareholders in Panion. Panion’s board announces the following decisions based on Combigene’s fulfilling of the offer to take over 88.35% of...
The shareholders of Panion Animal Health AB have accepted the offer from Combigene AB with an acceptance rate below 90%. The exact number is expected to be announced tomorrow the 11.th of July 2019. Despite not reaching the intended 90% of acceptance and with...
Som tidigare informerats (7/6-19) har Panion Animal Health emitterat 456 916 aktier. Ägarna till dessa aktier har accepterat budet från Combigene, innebärande att ytterligare 1,83 % accepterar det förlängda budet från CombiGene. CombiGene informerade den 26/6 att man...