Board and management members of Panion Animal Health AB (publ), subscribes for shares in the current emission


Anja Holm, CEO of Panion Animal Health AB (publ), subscribes for 100.000 SEK shares in the current emission

Panion Animal Health AB (“Panion”) is currently offering existing shareholders and others the rights to subscribe for shares in the emission running from 16 – 30 May 2018. The Board of Panion has decided the issue with preference for existing shareholders of a total...

2018 Q1 report, Period January-March

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Ökning av antalet aktier i Panion Animal Health AB (publ)

Konvertering till aktier av konvertibler utgivna under finansieringsavtalet med en investeringsfond som förvaltas av Yorkville Advisors Global som publicerades den 9 januari 2018. Konverteringsdag var den 14 mars 2018 och antalet konvertibler som konverterades var två...