“At Panion we want to improve the quality of life for animals suffering from chronic diseases. We are convinced that gene therapy has promising prospects.”

Anja Holm, CEO

CombiGene’s offer to the shareholders and the holders of warrants in Panion.

CombiGene AB (publ) (“CombiGene”) made a public offer to the shareholders in Panion Animal Health AB (publ) (“Panion”) on 18 April 2019, to tender all of the shares and warrants in Panion to CombiGene.

Thereafter, CombiGene has become the owner of more than 90 percent of the shares in Panion and has therefore requested initiation of compulsory acquisition proceeding to acquire all remaining shares and warrants in Panion in accordance with the Companies Act (2005:551).

In connection to the initiation of compulsory acquisition proceeding, Panion’s shares and warrants were delisted from Spotlight. Last day of trading in Panion’s shares was 27 September 2019 and last day of trading in Panion’s warrants was 26 September 2019.

More information is available on https://panion-animalhealth.com/ir/ and on CombiGene’s web page, www.combigene.com.

CombiGenes erbjudande till Panions aktieägare och teckningsoptionsinnehavare

Den 18 april 2019 lämnade CombiGene AB (publ) (”CombiGene”) ett offentligt uppköpserbjudande till innehavarna av aktier och teckningsoptioner i Panion Animal Health AB (”Panion”) att överlåta samtliga aktier och teckningsoptioner till CombiGene.

CombiGene har därefter blivit ägare till mer än 90 procent av aktierna i Panion och därför påkallat inlösenförfarande av resterande aktier och teckningsoptioner i Panion enligt aktiebolagslagen (2005:551).

I samband med påkallandet av inlösenförfarande avnoterades Panions aktier och teckningsoptioner från Spotlight Stock Market. Sista dag för handel i Panions aktier var den 27 september 2019 och sista dag för handel i Panions teckningsoptioner var den 26 september 2019.

Mer information finns under https://panion-animalhealth.com/ir/ och på CombiGenes hemsida, www.combigene.com.


Developing animal health

Panion Animal Health AB‘s aim is to develop and commercialize a gene therapy treatment for dogs with drug refractory epilepsy based on CombiGene AB’s technology and platform.

Our treatment process

Normal synaptic communication

Normal glutamate release

Excessive glutamate release

Excessive synaptic communication

Preparing a gene vector

DNA substitution

Precision injection

Vector enters brain cell

Increased expression of NPY and Y2

NPY and Y2 decreasing excessive glutamate release

Back to normal synaptic communication

The objective for Panion’s operation is to combine gene therapy with the scientific understanding of chronic diseases to develop effective treatments for animals.