1999 – 2005: The Discovery
- Merab Kokaia and David Woldbye initiated Swedish-Danish collaborative research to develop new forms of treatment of difficult-to-treat epilepsy.
- Several academic studies had indicated that production of NPY increases in key areas of the brain after an epileptic seizure. One hypothesis was that NPY is part of the body’s own defence for preventing epileptic seizures.
- Woldbye and Kokaia realized that a more pronounced anti-seizure effect could be achieved if an increased level of NPY is combined with an increased level of the receptor Y2.
2006 – 2013: Founding CombiGene
- A priority application was submitted to the Swedish Patent and Registration Office, PRV.
- Progress had been made in the gene therapy field and so-called AAV vectors gained acceptance as an appropriate method of introducing therapeutic genes into human nerve cells.
- Together with entrepreneur and financier Lars Thunberg, Kokaia and Woldbye formed the company CombiGene AB to pursue development and commercialization of the discovery.
- Patent applications were filed in the USA and Europe (EPO).
- Woldbye and Kokaia’s academic research continued in parallel with the development of the company and a large number of articles were published in recognized journals.
- The number of shareholders increased.
2014 – 2015: Gearing up
- Patent applications were approved in the USA and Europe (EPO).
- CombiGene became a public company, the Board of Directors was reorganized and a plan was set for listing the company on the marketplace SPOTLIGHT Stock Market
- The company’s registered head office and premises were relocated to Medicon Village in Lund, Sweden.
- A heavily oversubscribed IPO yielded 12.5 MSEK before costs.
- The company was listed on SPOTLIGHT Stock Market as of 25 May.
- The subsidiary CombiGene Vet AB was established.
- Screening for final gene vector begins.
2016 and forward
- CombiGene Vet changes name to Panion Animal Health AB
- The candicate drug vector CG01 is selected by CombiGene and the manufacture development is initiated.
- The Panion share has been listed on Spotlight Stock Market since 05/07/2017 under the ticker PANION and is traded through banks and stockbrokers.
- CombiGene receives a large EU grant from Horizon 2020 and secures full funding for the development work in 2018.
- Preclinical studies are continued, and access to the first dog data is secured. A new safety study in dogs is conducted at the University of Copenhagen.
- SME-status is granted to Panion in EU, and MUMS status (Minor Use Minor Species) for the gene therapy product is granted in EU and US. These give access to reduces fees and increased assistance.